class: title-slide, center, bottom background-image: url(img/gopher-hero.svg) background-position: 50% 20% background-size: 25% background-color: #ffffff # Introduce Yourself Online ## A workshop @ rstudio::global(2021) ### Dr. Alison Presmanes Hill --- class: inverse, center, middle # Why Hugo? --- class: center, middle # Why Hugo? -- Markdown first -- Content organization (subfolders!) -- Layouts -- Multilingual sites -- Powerful taxonomies -- Magical [list templates]( --- class: inverse, center, middle ## What *is* Hugo? -- `themes/hugo-apero/layouts/` --- class: middle ```html <header class="post-header"> <h1 class="f1 lh-solid measure-narrow mb3 fw4">{{ .Title }}</h1> {{ if .Params.subtitle }} <h4 class="f4 mt0 mb4 lh-title measure"> {{ .Params.subtitle }} </h4> {{ end }} </header> ``` -- ![](img/hugo-single.png) --- class: bottom, center background-image: url(img/mustache.jpg) background-size: 25% background-color: #ffffff ## Hugo = a double curly brace templating system ## `{{ <hugo code goes here> }}` --- class: middle # Use your YAMLs π AKA "frontmatter" .pull-left[ ```yaml --- title: "Using panelsets" subtitle: "How to add panelsets..." --- ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```go {{ .Title }} {{ .Params.subtitle }} ``` ] --- class: middle # Hugo Page Bundles ``` . βββ content/ β βββ privacy/ # => a leaf bundle β βββ faves/ # => a branch bundle β βββ # => AHA! β βββ roses/ # => a leaf bundle β βββ kittens/ # => another leaf bundle β βββ kettles/ # => yet another leaf bundle ``` --- class: middle # Hugo list vs single templates .pull-left[ ![](img/hugo-list-page.png) ] -- .pull-right[ ![](img/hugo-single-page.png) ] --- class: middle # Hugo list vs single templates ``` . βββ content/ β βββ privacy/ # => single page β βββ faves/ β βββ # => **list all faves**! β βββ roses/ # => single page β βββ kittens/ # => single page β βββ kettles/ # => single page ``` --- class: activity, center, middle # β± ## To configure your new Hugo site! π 10 minutes